Zimbrick Automotive

Oct 16, 2018
Gas mileage gauge

We’ve all heard them one way or another: tricks for improving gas mileage that sound like they could be true. But how do we separate the phony from the legitimate? Doing right by your gas tank ensures that you get the most bang for your buck. So let’s take a look at the facts. Here are five myths about gas mileage that could save you time and trips to the pump.

5 Common Misconceptions About Your Gas Mileage

Premium gas is the only way to go

We’ll classify this claim as mostly myth. Since premium gas contains a higher octane level than regular or mid-grade, it does help to prevent pre-ignition on luxury and high-performance vehicles. But for most cars, depending on make and model, regular gas should work just fine. Otherwise, you could be wasting your money.

Independently-owned stations offer bogus gas

Buying the brand name doesn’t always offer any particular benefit, and gas is a great example. In fact, smaller stations are generally supplied by larger companies, so their products are very comparable.

Filling up in the morning gets you more gas

Have you ever heard that buying gasoline before daytime temperatures have peaked will help stretch your dollar? It probably sounded too good to be true — and for good reason. Cooler gasoline is denser. But since most stations keep their gas underground, any temperature change above ground has no effect on the quality of the product.

You should “warm” your car before you drive it

Letting your car run for an extended period of time before driving it is old news, thanks to modern fuel-injected drivetrains. Cars are most efficient at regular operating temperature, so if you’re taking a considerable amount of time to let your car warm up, you’re just wasting gas.

Driving with the windows up spares fuel economy

You probably know that using your air conditioner decreases your car’s fuel efficiency. But you’ve also heard that driving with the windows down affects your car’s aerodynamics, and thus drains your gas tank at an accelerated rate. Thankfully, there is no evidence that suggests your car performs more efficiently with the windows up. So let them down and enjoy the breeze.

Boost Your Fuel Economy in Madison, WI

Of course, none of these debunked myths are going to matter much without a fuel-efficient car, truck, or SUV. Luckily, we carry a wide selection of new and used cars for sale at Zimbrick. Contact us about availability or visit any of our Madison dealerships today.