Zimbrick Automotive

Apr 22, 2019

You care about the investment you made in your car, and you want its appearance to reflect that. Washing a car seems like a pretty mundane task, but when not done correctly, it can actually do more harm than good. Many variables are easy to overlook, so let’s go over some of the dos and don’ts of car washing.

Car Washing Dos

Do: Wash your car on a regular basis. At least once per month — or once per week for the real enthusiasts — should do the trick.

Do: Wash your car when it is cool. Better yet, wash it under the shade of a tree or in a covered space.

Do: Thoroughly rinse your car before using a sponge in order to remove any debris that can cause a scratch. Then start at the top and move your sponge straight down.

Do: Thoroughly rinse your car before using a sponge in order to remove any debris that can cause a scratch. Then start at the top and move your sponge straight down.

Do: Choose a product that is specifically designed to clean vehicles.

Do: Use a soft towel to blot — not wipe — the surface dry.

Car Washing Don’ts

Don’t: Go extended periods of time without washing your car, no matter how clean it might appear to be. Allowing layers of dead bugs, pollen, bird droppings, and other substances to build up can eventually cause damage to the paint and body.

Don’t: Wash your car when it’s hot to the touch, either because you just had it running or because it was out in the sun for an extended period of time. Heat speeds up the drying of soap and water, which increases the chance you’ll be left with soap spots and streaks.  

Don’t: Move the sponge around in a circular fashion. Doing so can make light scratches in the paint.  

Don’t: Use household cleaning products. The bottle of “all-purpose” cleaner that you keep under the sink does not include cars.

Don’t: Dry the car by driving it. It seems logical that driving the car will help it air dry. But this can leave your vehicle with streak marks made by the passing air.

Visit Zimbrick for All Your Other Car Needs

Now you can handle the job of washing your car yourself. But for everything else, you may need to call on the professionals. Zimbrick is more than a car dealership in Madison, Wisconsin. We also have a dedicated service team ready to perform any necessary maintenance on your vehicle. Contact us today, and together we’ll keep your car shiny and working.