Zimbrick Automotive

Jun 29, 2021

Hybrid and electric vehicles make up fewer than 3% of all automobiles sold in the U.S. And because these vehicles occupy such a small niche, it’s natural for myths about these cars to form and circulate among drivers of gas-powered vehicles.


Below are five common myths about hybrids and electric vehicles and the truth behind them. 

Busting Hybrid and EV Myths

Myth #1: It’s still new and unproven technology. 

Hybrids and electric vehicles may still have that new car smell because they remain unfamiliar to so many. But make no mistake about it: These vehicles have been around the block. Zimbrick sold its first Honda Insight in 2000, and electric vehicles can be traced back to the 1800s! 

Myth #2: They are expensive. 

While new hybrid and electric vehicles are typically priced slightly higher than gas-powered cars, it’s important to remember that drivers of hybrids and EVs are saving a considerable amount of money in gas over the long run that shrinks the price gap between the two. And it may not be long before electric cars are cheaper than gas-powered ones. 

Myth #3: Their features are very basic. 

Hybrids and EVs are about reducing emissions, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting a reduced experience. Today’s hybrid and electric vehicles feature many of the same style, technology and safety features as traditional cars such as smart device integration, backup cameras, Bluetooth®, keyless start, lane and blind spot monitoring and so much more. 

Myth #4: They are high maintenance.

Quite the opposite actually. Hybrid vehicles require roughly the same maintenance needs as regular cars and electric vehicles require even less maintenance due to the fact that they have fewer moving parts and fluids and brake wear is reduced because of regenerative braking. 

Myth #5: They are slow.

It’s a popular notion that the motors in hybrids and electric vehicles can’t keep up with gas-powered engines. That may have been true years ago, but there are many hybrids and electric vehicles being manufactured today with horsepower, towing capacity and top speeds that are right in line with the gas-powered versions of the same model. 

Find Your Hybrid or EV at Zimbrick

Shop our online inventory of new hybrid vehicles and new electric vehicles for sale at Zimbrick Automotive in Madison, WI. Take a test drive today and speak to our knowledgeable sales team to dispel the myths about hybrid and electric vehicles and embark on a whole new journey.