Zimbrick Automotive

Jun 14, 2019
road trip

The U.S. is vast and full of intense beauty around every corner, which has practically made going on road trips a national pastime. If you’re planning a road trip this summer — or any time of year — read our list of tips to make sure you’re prepared.

Road Trip Preparation For Your Car

As memorable as it is to have breakdown road trip stories, you can reduce your chances of a mishap by following these steps:

Check fluids

Brake fluid, power steering, transmission fluid, antifreeze, windshield fluid, and oil — all of these should be flushed around the 50,000-mile mark on your odometer. If your car has reached beyond 50,000 miles and you haven’t had all of your fluids flushed and topped off, make sure to do so before you get on the road for an extended period of time.

Inspect your wipers

Many drivers go too long before replacing their windshield wipers, especially when living in an area that doesn’t see much rain. Always make sure that your wipers are in full working condition, and don’t scrape the windshield or smear.

Test your battery

Car batteries typically wear out within three to five years, and it’s one of the most common causes of car breakdowns. You may consider bringing a portable battery charger or some jumper cables if you don’t have roadside assistance or will be in a lightly trafficked area.

Ensure all systems are go

Your brakes and alignment should be in working order. It’s typically obvious when your brakes or rotors need to be replaced due to the squeaking worn brake pads cause. Your alignment may be off if you release your hands from the wheel and the vehicle starts drifting to the left or right.


Ensure that your tires have a good tread and are fully inflated (best for fuel efficiency) before you go. Inspect them for nails, screws, or anything else that could be embedded in your tread. Any of the above could lead to slow leaks and eventual blowouts.

Road Trip Preparation Tips for You

It’s always handy to have a roadside survival kit (blanket, flashlight, water, first aid kit) in case of accidents or breakdowns. Your warranty, insurance, and other vehicle and roadside assistance information should also be kept in your glove compartment for emergencies.

Always take your vehicle to get inspected by professionals before a long journey, even if there are no diagnostic lights on.

Embark on Your Road Trip From Madison, WI

The service center at Zimbrick Automotive in Madison, Wisconsin, is here to ensure that you make it safely from point A to B and back again. Schedule your appointment before your next road trip.