Zimbrick Automotive

Dec 30, 2021
Auto Service

There are lots of moving parts in a car, so it’s not uncommon to hear an unexpected noise every now and then. While some sudden noises are no big deal and don’t require any immediate action, there are others that might signal something being wrong with your vehicle. If you hear any of the following five sounds, you’ll want to investigate them as soon as possible.

Hissing from the Engine Compartment

If you hear a hissing sound coming from under the hood, it’s often indicative of an engine problem, likely a hose that has come loose or become broken. Hoses within your engine are used to maintain pressure for certain components and/or circulate various fluids. If there is a leak or other problem, it could cause the engine or other essential components to suffer damage quite quickly. You’ll want to stop and have these sorts of issues checked out right away.

Squeaking or Squealing While Braking

Brake pads are actually designed to start making a high-pitched squealing noise once they’ve become heavily worn. Most of the time, hearing this noise simply means you need to have your brake pads replaced. Thankfully, our award-winning vehicle service centers in Madison, WI are easily capable of performing this maintenance for you as well as a number of other services, ranging from simple upkeep to complex repairs.

Knocking from the Engine

If you hear a loud knocking sound coming from the engine, it could indicate a very serious problem. This type of noise can be caused by a number of different issues, some of which can quickly damage the engine if not fixed soon. Take your vehicle to a service center immediately if you ever hear a knocking noise emanating from your engine.

Rattling when Driving

It’s difficult to diagnose what causes a rattling noise when driving, but in some cases rattling means big trouble so you should always have it checked out by a professional. One of the more common causes of rattling has to do with your wheel bearings. If these go out while you’re driving, you could lose control of the vehicle. Depending on the issue you’re facing, if you ignore this type of rattling it can also result in damaging other areas of the car.

Clicking while Turning

Hearing a clicking sound when trying to turn your car is commonly a sign of an issue with the CV joints. These are important components that help to transfer power to the wheels, so getting this type of noise diagnosed as soon as you can is critical for safe driving.

Keep Your Car in Good Shape with Zimbrick Automotive

If you hear any one of these sounds while driving, or just need to stop by for an automotive checkup, we’re here to help. Zimbrick Automotive will always provide you with the award-winning service we’re known for. We also feature a wide variety of service specials and coupons at all times to ensure you get low-cost car service for whatever preventative or routine maintenance you need. Contact us online with any questions or go ahead and set up an appointment today.