Zimbrick Automotive

Jul 25, 2019
Road trip tips


Have you made your vehicle adventure-ready? Do you have the kids all primed for a summertime expedition? The road trip is a great American tradition, and it can be a priceless way to see the country, explore some new sights, and of course, spend quality time with your loved ones.

 There’s just one problem: potential boredom. For as exciting as it can be to see plains and vistas fly by your window, you’ll also have some long stretches of highway where there aren’t many sights worthy of note. It’s enough to make anyone feel restless — little ones in particular.

Thankfully, there are plenty of classic road trip games that can keep everyone’s minds occupied. Here are a few of our favorites.

5 Games to Keep Your Road Trip Entertaining

The name game

Talk about a classic. Here’s how it works: One player picks a name that starts with the letter A — Arnold, for example. The next player has to pick a name that starts with the last letter of that name — so in this case, a D. On it goes, with no duplicate names or fake names allowed. For an extra challenge, use the names of cities instead.

20 Questions

Another one that’s endured the test of time. One player thinks of a noun — it has to be a person, place, or thing — and the other players may ask 20 yes or no questions to try to figure out the answer.

One-line storytelling

Flex your narrative muscles by telling a story together as a family, one line at a time. Mom or Dad can start: “Once upon a time, there was a dog named Alex.” Then the next player provides the next line, and so on. It can be a lot of fun to see how different people’s imaginations work.

Billboard alphabet 

If you’re passing through an area with lots of billboards, race to see who can spot each letter of the alphabet on a sign, starting with A and working your way to Z.

License plate scavenger hunt 

One more option is to keep your eyes open and see if you can spot license plates from all 50 states (bonus points for Canadian provinces). You may need a pencil and paper for this one.

 Master these games, and you’ll be ready for a good time on the open road. And if you need a new ride before you set out, visit a Zimbrick dealership to explore new cars for sale in Madison, Wisconsin.